Focus Screen Media provides a unique way for you to reach your market with video advertisements shown in local theaters. We offer a wide range of production services. We will work with you directly to produce the best content relevant to your business and brand.
Here’s the process for working with us:
- Explain and show you what to expect from us
- Agree on ad specs
- Capture a vision for an ad
- Determine runtime and develop message
- Shoot and process video
- Approve final commercial
- We provide assets directly to theater-owners

Theatergoers tend to have a higher degree of consumer engagement and have a much higher household income than the general population. Local businesses are always looking to distinguish themselves in their markets and by creating an engaging, welcoming message, Focus Screen Media is intent on helping you generate business for your business.
- 68% of Americans attend movie theaters annually
- 3.75 shows per capita for entire population
- 46.5% of attendees have a household income of 75k+ compared with 34.8% of general population
- 44.2% of attendees anticipate an increase in disposable income of at least 6% in 2015
* Statistics courtesy of MPAA.com, IBISWorldwide.com, and Nielsen.com